The Quick Start Challenge Week 1 of a 4 Week Coaching Program

James here, I hope you will follow me on this $100/Day 4 Week Coaching Challenge.

In fact, you’re looking at the Week One assignment. It was all about Laying the Foundation for online success as each student was required to set up a Blog.

The Goal of The Quick Start Challenge was to setup an Online Business Model that at some point in the future could produce $100/day.

I don’t know about you but that excites me just a little bit.

Hint: the purpose of this first week assignment was three-fold, your Blog Title is your Brand Name so take a minute and choose your Domain URL very carefully.

Second point, it’s important to introduce yourself so take a minute to check out my About Me Page.

Third point, hopefully you want to meet new like-minded people so it’s critical to Educate them so your visitors will Come Back .

My goal here is to get everyone off to a Quick Start.

Finally, this is my Online Home Base and I truly want to welcome you.      Please feel free to tour my Blog content and leave me a comment.  You are now part of my Viral Family.

Let’s move forward together based on a platform of Trust and Respect.

My Mission here is to Share my experiences and to Help others succeed with me as a family with the goals being to live our Dreams on our Terms. I hope you would agree with my mission statement.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will return soon.

Coming soon: Quick Start Challenge Week 2: Triple Tier List Building

Do You Want to Quit Your Day Job…

.…“That’s it. I want to quit my day job and live a life of freedom!”

Some people never get beyond this point because they don’t know where to start with their online journey.
The big picture is overwhelming, so people often quit before they ever have a chance at success.
There are several keys to jump start your online journey that you need to know and consider before you can move forward in the right direction.
So do you want to know what one of those keys to success are?
Here it is: set a monthly startup budget.

Let me explain….

Setting a monthly budget allows you to lock in your focus and break down everything you need to succeed. You should plan on average about $100-$300 per month to start out.  If you want this to be the turning point, where everything gets better, then make sure you lock in and do this today.  It’s a small price to help you gain clarity about your business and motivate action.
….to remove overwhelm and procrastination from your business venture…
….and to build confidence that you’re on the right path to financial freedom.

Always Live Your Dreams and Follow Your Passions!

Today marks my first day of the journey to live

my DREAMS and my PASSIONS every single day.

I want to live my God given right to FREEDOM.

I want to CONTROL my Time without a Boss.

I want to BUILD Digital Wealth Online.

In order to succeed you need a mentor that you

can trust and that has achieved the same goals

you set out to reach.  That said, I partnered with

Craig Crawford and Dean Holland a long-time

student of my first Mentor in 2008 Alex Jefffeys.

Craig and Dean just launched a new 4 Week online

course called “The Quick Start Challenge.”

This is a step-by-step proven system.

Does this sound like music to your ears?

I hope you stay tuned and I’ll keep you posted.