The Quick Start Challenge Week 1 of a 4 Week Coaching Program

James here, I hope you will follow me on this $100/Day 4 Week Coaching Challenge.

In fact, you’re looking at the Week One assignment. It was all about Laying the Foundation for online success as each student was required to set up a Blog.

The Goal of The Quick Start Challenge was to setup an Online Business Model that at some point in the future could produce $100/day.

I don’t know about you but that excites me just a little bit.

Hint: the purpose of this first week assignment was three-fold, your Blog Title is your Brand Name so take a minute and choose your Domain URL very carefully.

Second point, it’s important to introduce yourself so take a minute to check out my About Me Page.

Third point, hopefully you want to meet new like-minded people so it’s critical to Educate them so your visitors will Come Back .

My goal here is to get everyone off to a Quick Start.

Finally, this is my Online Home Base and I truly want to welcome you.      Please feel free to tour my Blog content and leave me a comment.  You are now part of my Viral Family.

Let’s move forward together based on a platform of Trust and Respect.

My Mission here is to Share my experiences and to Help others succeed with me as a family with the goals being to live our Dreams on our Terms. I hope you would agree with my mission statement.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will return soon.

Coming soon: Quick Start Challenge Week 2: Triple Tier List Building