Do You Want to Quit Your Day Job…

.…“That’s it. I want to quit my day job and live a life of freedom!”

Some people never get beyond this point because they don’t know where to start with their online journey.
The big picture is overwhelming, so people often quit before they ever have a chance at success.
There are several keys to jump start your online journey that you need to know and consider before you can move forward in the right direction.
So do you want to know what one of those keys to success are?
Here it is: set a monthly startup budget.

Let me explain….

Setting a monthly budget allows you to lock in your focus and break down everything you need to succeed. You should plan on average about $100-$300 per month to start out.  If you want this to be the turning point, where everything gets better, then make sure you lock in and do this today.  It’s a small price to help you gain clarity about your business and motivate action.
….to remove overwhelm and procrastination from your business venture…
….and to build confidence that you’re on the right path to financial freedom.

3 Replies to “Do You Want to Quit Your Day Job…”

  1. Great reminder to all of us that tend to focus on the next bright shiny object…squirrel…sorry got distracted. Sticking to a budget is a major leg up in starting your business.

  2. Hi James

    You’ve made a good start with your blog – I do encourage you to keep posting regularly – even if it’s only weekly to begin with.

    See my post in the QSC Group about the importance of blogging as you build your business.


    1. Hey Alex, what’s up its been a long time! I am one of your former students from “Internet Marketing Index” back in April 2011. My Blogging days go way back to “Clockworks Blogs” with Kevin Riley. However like you commented over the years I was never a consistent blog poster. Oh, how I wished I had stuck with posting! But things will be different from here on out, because I am going to follow through on your encouragement and keep posting regularly. Thanks so much for stopping by and keeping me on track.

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